Prenatal Massage

Alleviate Pregnancy Pains

Alleviate Pregnancy Pains

Schedule a prenatal massage in Lawton, OK

Pregnancy is tough on your body. Put your hard-working muscles at ease with prenatal massages from Naturally, At Peace Wellness Center in Lawton, OK. Our certified technician offers pregnancy massages broken down by trimester so you can get the treatment your body needs.

Call 580-678-6349 today to schedule your prenatal massage.

Get pregnancy massages for every trimester

When you visit us for pregnancy massages, we'll provide specific treatments for each trimester. Come to our massage technician during your:

First trimester: This $70 massage includes light to medium pressure and lessons on self-care during pregnancy. We'll assess how far along you are and consult with you about your delivery plan. If we see anything amiss, we can contact a healthcare provider for you.
Second trimester: You can choose from two options. Option one includes a full-body pampering massage that lasts 120 minutes for $85. Choose option two for pampering, an updated consultation, a 45-minute massage, 15 minutes of assisted stretching, back and foot scrub, aromatherapy and hot towels for $100.
Third trimester: Our options are a 90-minute full-body massage for $110 and our "prepare the way" massage that includes a 75-minute massage with assisted stretching, belly scrub and mask, foot soak, herbal scrub, aromatherapy and hot towels for $150.

Ease into motherhood with our relaxing and pain-relieving massages.